Cheryl Casselman

Fri May 31 at 4:00pm

We are pleased as punch to kick off our opening with Cheryl Casselman and The Casselman Trio, on stage at The Gen Bridge. Join us May 31st from 4pm- 8pm for local live music.

About The Artist

Cheryl Casselman

Cheryl Casselman was born and raised along the shores in Newcastle, Ontario. Cheryl’s mother recalls her singing at the top of her lungs since she was two years old; and at the age of eight Cheryl found herself waking from a dream with an entire song to write – words, melody and all! When she was seventeen, the young woman hopped on a bus to live in a log cabin in the mountains, and it was there that she honed her writing skills.

Cheryl now performs both solo and with a myriad of talented musicians at various venues



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